Night Time Wind Down

When I have had a particularly hard day, I find the best way for me to feel grounded and relaxed is by doing my self-care night-time routine, which then allows me to feel more human the following day.


Night Time Wind Down

When I have had a particularly hard day, I find the best way for me to feel grounded and relaxed is by doing my self-care night-time routine, which then allows me to feel more human the following day. 

Sometimes you just want to watch TV, scroll on your phone and have a glass or 2 of wine before hitting the sack! It was nights spent like this that led to me having a terrible night of tossing and turning, leg out, leg in kind of sleep as my mind tries endlessly to wind down.


My Wind Down schedule :

Perimenopause affects us all in many different ways, with restless sleep ranking high on the list. What I've found that helps me to start to feel calmer and, in a place, where I can start to relax is by drinking camomile tea before I start to get ready for bed.

I turn on the diffuser with a few drops of a relaxing de-stressing natural essential oil in the bedroom, so that it engulfs the room in a beautiful spa conjuring scent, then I turn off the main light and turn on a lamp.

I take a bath with an Epsom salt based mix and light some candles; if I feel up to it! By the time I'm ready to go to bed, the diffuser will have switched off and the room is scented with a glorious scent. I also spray my pillows with a sleep spray and get into bed. 

Bedtime Essentials

* Camomile tea - A cup of comforting Camomile helps me wind down from a busy day and even helps in moments when I'm feeling overwhelmed and stressed 

* Diffuser - putting on the diffuser while my bath is setting has the power to turn an ordinary bedroom into a beautiful spa-like setting 

* No Phone (hard I know, believe me)

* Bath

* Candles (Optional)  

* Pillow Sleep Spray 

* Bach's Rescue Remedy

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