Does Menopause only affect older women?





The average age of a natural menopause is 51, but for a low number of women this can happen before the age of 40 which is known as early or premature menopause.

Two conditions that women may suffer from that result in an early menopause, are from Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) which is a condition where the ovaries are unable to produce oestrogen and progesterone, or for women who have a Hysterectomy (removal of the womb).

Circumstances that can lead to an earlier Menopause:

•Surgical removal of the ovaries

•Radiation therapy – Significant doses of radiation during some treatments for cancers of the pelvis and abdomen.

•Mumps – Very rarely, the ovaries can be damaged by the mumps virus, leading to a premature menopause.

•Auto-immune reaction – Auto-immune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus can cause a woman’s body to start producing antibodies that react against her ovaries as foreign tissue and attack them. This process may destroy the supply of eggs in the ovaries and reduce the output of female hormones.

Late Menopause

On the flip side, as well as early menopause, women who are still menstruating after the age of 55, are said to be experiencing a delayed or late menopause.

The thought of menopause and the horrific symptoms being delayed can sound like a lucky break, but a late menopause means that your fertile life is prolonged, making you exposed to oestrogen for a longer time, which can slightly increase the risk of uterine and breast cancer, so this is another reason we need to make sure that we keep up to date with annual mammograms, pelvic examinations and smear tests.

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