Dry Brushing

Unleash the power of the ancient art of dry brushing and elevate your self-care game with this exhilarating technique.

The ritual of dry brushing has been practiced in different cultures throughout history, from Ayurveda in India, ancient Egyptians, Romans to traditional Chinese medicine.

It involves taking a dry, not too hard brush, and using it to exfoliate and stimulate the lymphatic drainage system, it helps improve circulation, contributing to a healthy glow and can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Dry brushing is not recommended for people with diabetes, or anyone with eczema, psoriasis, sensitive skin, or excessive dry skin, as it can aggravate these conditions further.

Additional dry brushing benefits:

  • Unclogging pores,
  • Reducing stress
  • Tightening skin

Many people who regularly practice dry brushing, report that it leaves their skin feeling smooth and invigorated. Although the scientific evidence behind the benefits of dry brushing is limited, many people find it a relaxing and enjoyable part of their self-care routine before hopping in the bath or shower.

What is the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system is a collection of organs, vessels and tissues that work together to move a colourless, watery fluid (lymph) back into our circulatory system (bloodstream) which runs throughout our body in the form of tiny tubes that help keep our immune system healthy.

As a vital part of our immune system, our lymphatic system protects us from infection and destroys old or abnormal cells our body doesn’t need. The Lymphatic system functions also include maintaining normal fluid levels in our body, and absorbing fats and fat-soluble vitamins so they can make their way into our bloodstream.

Getting started with dry Brushing

When dry brushing, it’s important to choose a high-quality brush with natural bristles, nothing too hard and scratchy!

  • You should dry brush before showering or bathing, preferably in the morning, as it is said to have energizing properties.

  • Do not wet the brush.

  • You should start with light pressure and avoid brushing over any areas of broken or irritated skin.

  • Start brushing the soles of your feet first (hopefully you’re not too ticklish) in a circular motion then gradually moving up your body in a sweeping motion toward the direction of your heart, as this is where the lymph system drains.

  • Use the same circular motion on your hands then sweeping up your arms, circling around your elbows and sweeping up your arm, circling your shoulder area.

  • Your stomach is where you do the circular motions, the same at your joints i.e. shoulders, buttocks, knees, elbows and ankles.

  • Be careful not to brush too hard, you should use medium pressure so as not to cause an irritation.

  • Finish by showering or taking a bath to wash away the dry skin.

  • After drying yourself off, massage in a natural body oil or cream.

With regular practice, you may find that dry brushing helps you to achieve smoother, glowing skin. When I add dry brushing in with my regular self-care routine; I’m not sure if it is psychological, but my skin does look tighter and feels even smoother!

Other ways we can help to improve our lymphatic flow and promote overall health:

  • Staying hydrated
  • Regular exercise
  • Healthy diet
  • Avoiding tight clothing that can restrict lymphatic circulation
  • Practice deep breathing exercises
  • Massages
  • Easing stress levels through yoga, meditation, or other relaxation techniques.
  • Getting enough sleep

Disclaimer: This blog is for general information purposes only. The information contained in this blog is not a substitute for medical advice – always consult a licensed healthcare professional for advice on your specific condition.

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