Menopause Myths VS Facts



  • Menopause start at 50+  
  • Menopause is a disease·     
  • You no longer have a sexlife·     
  • Symptoms are physical only·     
  • Weight gain is inevitable·     
  • Your periods stop completely at once·     
  • Hot flushes are the first sign of the menopause 


  • Perimenopause mainly begins when a woman is in her 40’s but can also start earlier which is known as Premature menopause

  • Menopause is a natural process in the journey through womanhood

  • You can still enjoy sex, although some women do experience a decline in libido
  • Symptoms are psychological, emotional and physical
  • Weight gain can be managed through your nutrition and regular exercise

  • Your periods gradually become irregular month after month and carry on until you no longer have a period for one complete year which is then classed as the menopause

  • The first signs of the menopause vary from woman to woman
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